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Experts Help – Free Yourself From Domestic Violence Charges

Dhindsa Law assists those that are struggling with domestic violence cases. We know the seriousness and are willing to help you in every possible way.

omestic Violence Lawyer in Brampton, Mississauga, ON

Are You Accused Of Domestic Brutality?

When anyone is charged with domestic violence, it is crucial to understand the legal consequences. The criminal justice system in Canada treats domestic violence very seriously and will likely impose severe penalties if you are convicted.

However, you can hire an experienced criminal defense lawyer right away to protect your rights and defend yourself against these charges.

At Dhindsa Law, our lawyer has years of experience defending people accused of all types of crimes. It includes assault, sexual assault, drug offenses, and impaired driving.

We know how the police investigate cases like this, and we know what judges expect when they hear evidence about these types of allegations in court. Our goal is to get the best possible result for each client that walks through our door.

Hence, if you are trying to get justice for yourself, many resources are available to help you get out of this situation. We ensure you can move forward with your life. Hence, it is better to understand the law and how it applies to domestic violence cases in Canada.

Domestic Violence Case Under Section 718.2(E):

Domestic and family violence is a criminal offense that takes various forms. It involves an abuse of power, mainly perpetrated by a spouse or partner in an intimate relationship or after separating from the relationship- this can range from physical violence to emotional manipulation to financial exploitation.

The effects of violence are felt deeply. It is based on power imbalances and patterns that are established over time.

Charges Under Section 718.2(E):

i) evidence that the offender was instigated by bias, hate on race, national origin, color, origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, or similar factors;

ii) evidence that the offender is committing the offense and is involved in the partner's abuse or the victim's family;

iii) evidence that the offender is committing an offense is abusing someone who is under the age of eighteen;

iv) evidence that the offender is committing an offense and abused a position trust of the authority who is concerning the victim;

You will learn many more about it after connecting with the attorney. When you contact Navdeep Dhindsa, it is easy to get a better understanding. Hence you are at a better end.

We understands the facts:

In domestic assault, victims are often forced into submission through fear at best; hopeless depression most likely crosses all boundaries, which means any person could potentially become involved, including children experiencing trauma in domestic issues.

It is no shame seeking help if charged with such a crime, but there is strength in knowing that what happened was wrong and taking steps towards a better future for yourself and your children.

Let Dhindsa Law guide you through this challenging time so that we can keep you safe from criminal records while protecting your rights under Canadian law. Our experienced lawyer will provide compassionate legal advice tailored to meet the needs of each client accused of a criminal charge.

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